Since our establishment, we have made many of our customers more visible in hundreds or even thousands of words; We have increased the traffic they focused on their websites.


Your customers' shopping journey starts on the internet, so your customers search online before making any purchases. The vast majority of them make the decision to purchase any product or service based solely on the results on the first page. In short, your customers prefer the top companies; because users expect the top brands to rise.
It is not possible for the searchers to know you without seeing you. Be visible to your customers!


“See how we brought the Mapfre Asistencia group to the first page in thousands of words.”


How can I reach a focused customer mass?

Search engines are the fastest and easiest way to reach your customers looking for you. Today, 3.5 billion searches are made on Google search engine. For each serach, housands or even millions of web pages that contain relevant information appear. So, how do search engines determine the content that will show in your search results? If we go through Google, the world's dominant search engine, let's briefly summarize how Google helps searchers.


How do search engines work?

Your customers type words in the search boxes for your products or services. Google examines these terms, understands your purpose, matches your search to sites in its archive, and lists related pages. The first sites you come across are the best results for the Google search engine.


How to determine the best results?

Before you search, web browsers collect information from hundreds of millions of web pages, archives and lists them by organizing the search directory according to its own criteria. For example, Google is based on more than 200 criteria when determining organic search page rankings. It lists the best results related to the user's search.


What is SEO ie Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization is not a small arrangement of parts of any web site, but a detailed study of bringing the entire site to the standards required by the search engines.
The aim of this study, which is carried out in line with a strategic marketing plan, is to receive more focused visitors to the site and to provide the best experience to all potential customers browsing the site, thus permanently listed in the top ranks.

Before you start our search engine optimization service, we analyze your industry, your competitors and you, then we create a unique strategy for you, and help you get results in hundreds or even thousands of words.

You can go to Our Works page and check some of them or contact our references personally and listen to our approach and the results we have obtained from them!

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